Need Help Buying or Selling a Saskatchewan Lodge or Resort?
We’ll Connect You with a Saskatchewan Real Estate Agent that has the expertise you need.
We’ll Connect You with a Saskatchewan Real Estate Agent that has the expertise you need.
Asking Price: For Tender Location: Saskatchewan
Asking Price: For Tender Location: Outfitters Lease in Northern Saskatchewan Sask Zone 71F
Get in front of thousands of buyers looking for lodges, rv parks & resorts for sale.
One Time Fee of Only $349 CAD
Location: Deschambault Lake, approx. 300 kms. NE of Prince Albert
Asking Price: $995,000 CAD
Location: Located on Highway 263 in the Emma Lake/Christopher Lake Region of Northern Saskatchewan
Asking Price: $1,725,000 CAD
Location: Lac Des Iles, Saskatchewan
Asking Price: Contact Owner