Browse Wanted Ads
Are you an owner or owner’s agent looking for a buyer for a fishing & hunting lodge, rv park, resort, hotel, motel or inn?
Browse the list of wanted ads and reach out directly.
Are you a buyer or buyer’s agent looking for a Fishing & Hunting Lodge, RV Park, Resort, Hotel, Motel or Inn?
Post a Wanted Ad and owners can reach out to you directly.
Vancouver Island BC Motel Wanted
Looking for a Vancouver Island Motel, ideally one that has a great location but is in need of some work.
In search of small resort on waterfront. Lookung for something in BC
Send us any info in regards to anything you are selling or considering to sell. Thanks
Wanted to buy
Looking to buy an existing lodge/fishing camp/campground, on waterfront property, Sudbury to southern Ontario would be ideal but will go further, on site owner residence, min.20acres unless surrounded by crown. no leases please. Budget is max 1.7 M
Campground/resort/lodge wanted
We are looking to purchase a campground/resort/lodge. Northern Ontario down to central Ontario is the location we prefer (we're snowmobilers!). Year round or seasonal would work. Thank you.
Looking for Fishing Lodge/Cottage-RV Resort/Business in Ontario
Couple seeking to sell everything and purchase/run a cottage/RV Resort. Looking to purchase and takeover end of 2022 season (or sooner) **Must be waterfront on a lake/bay/inlet with excellent fishing. Preferred areas: +/- up to 10 hours from Windsor.
I am looking for a Resort in Ontario for my client
Hi, I am looking for a resort for my clinet anywhere in GTA
Resort wanted up to 3 hours from Toronto
Looking for waterfront resort that is drive up and within 3 hrs from Toronto. Thank you
NW Ontario Fly-in Outposts wanted
Seeking 1-2 fly-in outposts in the Ear Falls/Red Lake/Sioux Lookout area. Not a limiting factor but prefer locations with no other outposts on the lakes, no road access. Must be good walleye lakes.
RV/TRAILER PARK ,Cottages, Camping site, resorts wanted, must be water front.
We are looking for any waterfront resorts, under 3-4 hours from Toronto. Call me 416-818-0916