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Reply To: Outfitting wages

Home Forums Lodge and Resort Discussion Forum Outfitting wages Reply To: Outfitting wages


Hi Bruce, what lodges and resorts pay staff is all over the board and relates to it’s size and rates.
Guides for example in Ontario could be anywhere from $165/day to $300/day. Room and board is typically included but some lodges charge.
I have heard some lodges will cover transportation and some have a set amount that is paid as a type of bonus if they complete their season. Guide wages are significantly higher in BC but so is the expectation of skill level and years of experience.
Housekeeping is anywhere from minimum wage to $24/hour from what I have heard. It is actually one of our toughest positions to fill with a quality reliable candidate. Guides are expected to bring their own gear – rods/reels, tackle, rain gear, etc.